Jackie Attends The Fight Like a Girl Conference


The Jackie team had the honor of being a part of the Fight Like a Girl Women’s Conference at Dream City Church in Phoenix, Arizona. We packed up and went out to be a part of a gathering of over 1,000 women who were hungry to hear about who God says we are as women. Aubrey Matthesius, along with other amazing speakers, shared with us how God views our role in society today. It was incredible! We see the deterioration of the family unit with the push of the women’s movement and if I am bring honest, while I am a huge proponent of women and empowering them to go after their dreams and callings, I also have a healthy respect for the family unit and the leadership my husband, Ryan, provides. I wouldn't want it any other way.

Jackie, along with Fizzness connected with women from across the country to share our mission. We were able to speak in our breakout session about unashamedly investing in ourselves. The focus of Jackie’s presentation was the theme “Fight For You.” As women with busy lifestyles, we are notorious for putting everyone and everything ahead of our needs. It takes its toll and in turn hurts our relationships more than helps.


As many of you know, our mission at Jackie is to encourage women to prioritize themselves, not in a selfish way, but in a way that allows us to best show up and care for those around us. We recognize that the act of putting yourself first looks different for every woman. For some, it means buying that dress that you’ve had your eye on, but can’t justify because the kids need new clothes for school. For others, it might be taking yourself out to get your nails done, or investing in a new moisturizer. Refuse to put yourself on the back burner. Your needs are just as important as the needs of those around you.

This theme of fighting for you comes from a place of deep-rooted self-worth and faith. God tells us that we are enough, in fact, He tells us that we are valuable. Do you believe that you are valuable? If you aren’t sure, take a look at how you treat yourself. If you feel like you are running on empty, trying to care for everyone around you, it is time to press pause and fight for you. I encourage you to get out of your own way and truly invest in yourself. You deserve it.

The conference was an incredible opportunity for the Jackie team. We left with a feeling of accomplishment and we were fueled by all of the great messages we heard that weekend.  We are already looking forward to attending next year!


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