I wanted to take a moment to sincerely express my gratitude to each and every one of you who has been a part of Jackie's journey. It has been an incredible adventure, and I am deeply touched by the love and support we have received from our community.
As I reflect on the past 7 years, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for all the wonderful women we have had the pleasure of meeting and empowering. Your trust in Jackie and your dedication to our mission have made a lasting impact, and for that, I am truly thankful.
While it's bittersweet to make this announcement, I have decided to close Jackie as I focus on pursuing new passions and opportunities. This decision was not made lightly, but I am excited about the future and the chance to make a difference in new ways.
If I could leave you all with one thing it would be this, Be the type of woman who is always rooting for another and helping them reach their God-given abilities. You have no idea what is happening behind the scenes and sometimes women just need each other to push them along, cheer for them, and remind them of who God says they are, and we all are capable of being that for someone else. That is true empowerment.
Thank you once again for being a part of this incredible journey. I cherish the memories we've made and the lives we've touched. You have all been an indispensable part of Jackie, and I am forever grateful for your support.
XO, Amber
S O , W H A T ‘ S N E X T ?
So what am I doing now you may ask... As a wife and mom, I am so excited to savor life's moments a little more.
However, I've also chosen to dedicate my time to assisting people all over the country with Life After Debt through reducemydebts.com. I've come to realize the immense need in this area, and helping others on their financial journey has truly become my passion. Your support means a lot to me, and I am grateful for all the encouragement you've shown. I look forward to connecting with you and making a positive impact together.