I DON’T Love That


I have heard this phrase too many times to count. Why do we do things we DON’T love, why do we spend money on items we DON’T love, and why do we wear clothes and keep items we absolutely DON’T love? I always find this topic interesting, so I thought I should deliver to you my top three tips for eliminating those “DON’T LOVE” things from our lives.


Get Honest With Yourself

1. Get honest with yourself. This requires some time to sit down and create a list of categories and simply be honest with yourself and know that no one is reading it. Simply list the things you absolutely love in each category. Once you do that, then jot down those things people may think you love but you actually hate. So whether it is traveling to a certain spot or something in your wardrobe, get really honest.


Commit To The List

2. Commit to the list. When faced with where to go or what to do or who to do it with or what to wear, remember the exercise you did and ask yourself if you absolutely love what it is you are doing or buying, and if the answer is no, stop. Why do we spend money on things that are just “ok”? Once you only spend money on things that you LOVE, you find that you can actually afford them because you are clear and not just buying something because someone else is. Get really clear.


Learn To Say No

3. Learn to say NO. It isn’t easy, but I have to be honest, it gets to be freeing when you can say NO and not feel bad. Do not feel pressure from peers, from salespeople, or from anyone about anything. You are the decision-maker, so stop giving away your power.


So how does this apply to your closet? By using these steps, get clear on the styles and brands you love and stick with them. When you can walk in and say, "I LOVE my wardrobe", you have mastered the art of saying NO to the wrong things. Don't give in to the temptation of buying something just because it's on sale or because others have it. By doing so, you'll only end up with a wardrobe that isnt truly "you" and have spent too much money on in the process. Instead, take the time to get clear on what you love, and don't put any unnecessary pressure on yourself. Trust your instincts and you'll know when you've found the perfect outfit that makes you feel like a million bucks.

- Amber Duncan, Founder & CEO



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