It's Time for A Wardrobe Refresh

I can clearly remember how excited I would be to get new clothes before heading back to school each year. For a lot of you reading this, you may have just completed that process for your own children who are heading back to the classroom. While we may have dreaded being back in school each year, new clothes were always something to look forward to.

Shopping to find our look or style for the year was, and probably still is, such a highlight for kids heading back to the classroom. So, now that you have dropped the kids off and they are back in the groove, may I suggest that you take a moment for a wardrobe refresh of your own?

Yes, we know you have plenty of clothes to wear and don't "need" a thing.  In fact, we hear that a lot.  Although, how do those clothes make you feel after wearing them for over a year or two?  Have you forgotten how good it feels to have something new on? Or how about the feeling you have when doing a closet clean out and purging things you have worn to death?

There are several good options for repurposing or selling your slightly used items to make room for new ones that fit the role you will play this year.  We love having women visit in person for an styling appointment so we can get proper sizing and introduce you to new brands you haven’t heard of.  It is time well spent and sometimes it even has the tendency to remind you how important it is to do this for yourself once and a while. 

Here’s how we’re styling some of our newest pieces for each day of the week from Darling, perfect for a much-needed refresh.


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