Small Business Tips from Our CEO


As we journey into 2021, we realize that many members of our Jackie community have an entrepreneurial spirit. Maybe you have told yourself that this will be your year to dream big, to launch a new business and to push yourself toward success.

At Jackie, we want to help you accomplish those goals. That is why we are sharing valuable small business tips directly from our Founder, Amber Duncan. Amber owns and operates a handful of successful small businesses and is known to coach women as they build a business of their own. You won't want to miss her insight as you set goals for your own business this year.

On Hiring

“If you wouldn’t have your team watch your children, don’t have them look after your customers. Your business is your baby and I always take such pride in hiring the RIGHT people to watch over my baby. If you wouldn’t trust them to look after your children, why would you ever entrust them to properly take care of your clients? This is the most important rule to follow because, with the right people, you can achieve anything.”

Tips for Networking in 2021

On Networking

“Make personal connections. My best advice is to seek out companies that you are impressed with and specifically ask them who is doing the work for them. Get to know their team and understand how the work is being done. If you like their look, go to the source and make your own connections. Good contacts are hard to find and it is easy to be sold on someone after one call, but always remember that results are everything.”

Goal Setting Tips For 2021

On Goal Setting

“Challenge yourself. Push yourself to hit goals you haven’t yet accomplished. Stop getting in the way of your own success and growth. Set goals for your organization that scare you, and watch what happens. Take those goals, and break them down by day so the entire team feels like they are a part of the process. You’ll see your company reach new levels of success and far exceed anything you possibly imagined possible.”

Tips for Managing a Team in 2021

On Management

“Get involved in decision making. Companies need to know when to pivot based on current results. A good leader will not only be able to effectively manage parameters with their teams but will also set up structures to monitor the success of a new initiative to determine if changes need to be made. When introducing any change to your organization, walk through every aspect of the system to ensure it will be executed perfectly.”

Leadership Tips for Entrepreneurs

On Leadership

Be available to your team. My goal is to make myself accessible to all of my employees. I aim to provide them with the skills necessary to go out and make a difference in the world. They become endeared to me and love helping make my businesses a success, knowing I am not going to give up on helping them fulfill their professional dreams and desires.”


On Work Culture

“Create a space that motivates. Culture-centered workspaces are trending for small businesses right now. It is all about creating a space that motivates your employees. It usually costs very little and has the biggest impact in productivity and a direct impact on the bottom line.”

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