How to Prioritize Self Care During the Holidays


We are in the throws of the holiday season and as women, we have a tendency to put the needs of those around us before our own. While that certainly isn’t a negative quality, it can leave us feeling completely exhausted. This isn’t necessarily a holiday specific occurrence. As women, mothers, and caretakers, we can feel the tension between wanting to give everyone our very best and giving ourselves the same love and respect that we give others. Chances are, this feeling is heightened during the holidays and at Jackie, we believe in the deep-rooted need to give yourself the time and space for high-quality self care.

Book Yourself a Spa Day

We mean it! No work, no kids, just a few hours to yourself. Go spend an afternoon at the spa and put the distractions away. Turn your phone off and completely unplug. You deserve to relax and feel pampered, especially during the holidays. It can be a gift to yourself or a husband sponsored event, but regardless, you deserve to put yourself first, so give your favorite local spa a call and get ready to decompress.

Create a Consistent Workout Routine

When you put your personal health and fitness first, you are sure to reap the benefits. Start each morning with yoga, a ride on your Peloton Bike, or a run at the beach. Whatever activity makes you feel the best, create time for it. With the combination of endorphins and time to yourself, you are sure to feel refreshed during the rest of the day. If the family wants to join in for a morning hike or a walk in the park, the more the merrier!


Get Some One on One Time with Your Significant Other

During the holidays, one on one time with your husband can be overlooked. Don’t let the holiday craze create strain on your relationship. Make time for each other. Go out to dinner at your favorite restaurant, just the two of you. Leave the kids at home and have a holiday date night. That one on one time makes all the difference.

Make Time for What You Love

When you think of the holidays, what Christmas traditions do you love most? Is it shopping with your daughter? Is it binging Hallmark Christmas movies on your couch cozied up with an oversized mug of coffee? Maybe it looks like going to see festive holiday lights with family or going to see the orchestra. Whatever it might be, make time for it. The holidays will come and go in the blink of an eye, as they always do, so make time for your favorite traditions. You don’t want to look back at Christmas and say, “I wish I would have done that!” 

Express Gratitude

There is so much value in setting aside time at the end of each day to create a list of the things that you are thankful for. This practice is grounding. It helps you connect with your core values, express gratitude and prepare for what the next day will bring. This time to yourself is something you should prioritize before bed each night. Try this for a week and measure the impact it has on your emotional well-being. You will be glad you set aside the time for a daily gratitude practice!

Order Yourself a Jackie Box

If you look in your closet every morning and dread getting ready, it might be time to invest in the clothes you wear. Getting ready for the day shouldn’t be exhausting. It should be an empowering experience that makes you feel confident in whatever you put on. Let our personal stylists help. We’d love to get you on the styling schedule for a Quarterly Subscription. Click here to get started.


PS. Have you applied to receive your very own Jackie box? Click here to apply today!


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