True Fulfillment

A Lifestyle Seasonal Refresh


There is nothing we love more here at Jackie than the opportunity a new season presents to pause, reflect and put in place new habits that streamline our busy lifestyles. The summer to fall transition is one we love here in Florida. It brings with it the fresh start of the back-to-school season, the promise of cooler weather, and new fall trends to add to our wardrobes. Here are four areas of your life that you can pause and reflect on as you enter into the fall season.

Your Family & Relationships

Take a moment and reflect on this summer. How was it really? Think about it through the lens of your time spent with family and friends. Did the trips you took and the time you spent leave you feeling fulfilled, or did you find that you spent a little more time than you would have liked in front of your email? This upcoming season presents you with an incredible opportunity to mold and shape your relationships and how you want to interact with them during the months ahead. Our relationships are key to living a fulfilled life. Set intentions about how you can make the most of your time with the people you love.

Your Work / Career

The fall is an excellent time to get back into the swing of things with work. Summer is often spent taking time off, spending time with family, and traveling to new and exciting places. Don't allow yourself to get mindlessly thrown back into work the minute the kids go back to school. Truly think about your career and the work that you do. If you are a business owner, spend time reviewing performance and seeking out ways that you can grow and succeed in this upcoming season. At Jackie, we are committed to uplifting our clients both in how they dress, but also in their professional development. Luckily those two things go hand in hand!

Your Wardrobe

It is no secret that we love a good wardrobe refresh here at Jackie! That is why we consider ourselves experts when it comes to cleaning out your closet and giving it some TLC before the new season arrives. We suggest starting your seasonal wardrobe refresh by booking a call with a Jackie Stylist. This will help you better articulate your style and your goals for the upcoming season. It provides a starting point for cleaning out your closet, keeping what you love, donating the rest, and getting you well on your way to a wardrobe you are proud to call your own. During your Wadrobe Consult, you can sign up for Jackie and get partnered with your own stylist who can help find pieces that you want to see in your fall wardrobe. Each piece will be personally handpicked and boxed up just for you!


Your Faith

At Jackie, faith is a core belief of our team and many of our subscribers. As you head into this next season, we encourage you to evaluate the role that your faith plays in your life. Maybe you are in a place where you feel uplifted and empowered by your church community and devotional life, or perhaps you are wishing you and the family made it to church more regularly during the summer vacation. The hope of this new season reminds us that there is grace and opportunity to actively participate in our own walk with God. No matter the season, it is always a good time to set aside more time for God with the anticipation of all that this upcoming season holds for you and your loved ones. While faith is not a requirement of being a Jackie client by any means, it is our hope that you will experience both light, positivity, and encouragement from the entire styling experience.

If you are interested in more Jackie content and would like to be styled by our team, you can click here to apply to join today.


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