An Intro to Motherhood

Mother's Day is a time to celebrate and appreciate the amazing women who have dedicated their lives to raising and nurturing their children. In honor of this special day, we wanted to bring you a special perspective from a new mom, Sabel Bezet, as she shares her experience with her own mother, Amber Duncan. So, whether you're a new mom yourself, or simply looking to gain a deeper appreciation for the amazing women in your life, join us as we celebrate with Sabel and Amber, and honor the incredible strength and resilience it takes to be a mother.

Well, you are five months into Motherhood and what would you say the hardest part of it is so far?

The hardest part truly is just knowing that time is so fleeting at this stage. I read something the other day that put it into perspective for me: you only get 1 first holiday, 12 Easter baskets, 13 summers, and 12 first days of school. I have been way more sentimental about all of the "firsts" than I thought I'd be now that she's here. I think it has really helped me see past any of the inconvencines of motherhood and truly live in the moment with her. 💘

Did you ever think you would love something as much as you love Ruby?

No! I think the kind of love you can have for your spouse is a totally different kind of love you can have for your children. So, I've never known a love like this. She is such a little lovie.  This kind of love belittles any moments of inconvenience, tiredness and sacrifice, and just really refocuses your mind on raising them up to be an amazing, human being filled with love, too. **Cue "This Will Be" by Natalie Cole. 

How are you adjusting to motherhood and work life balance?

It's been such a blessing that Ruby can come with me! Of course, I get her dressed in something cute before we head out the door for the day. I'm a big proponent that kids can be highly impacted by their environments and pick up on things that even we think they're too young for- good or bad. I'll never forget the scene from the "Tiger" documentary, where his dad Earl shared the story of stationing Tiger, as a baby, infront of him while he repeatedly practiced his golf swing in the garage. Tiger just watched him. I remember when my siblings were younger (my sister and I are 6 years a part, and the gap is even bigger between my brothers & I), my parents would always tell me that my siblings were watching me and that they looked up to me. Now having my own baby, I’ve never understood the gravity of those words more. I think kids can pick up on hard work ethic, even at 5 months old; the sooner they see it, the better. I believe it’ll instill in them a great work ethic. Plus, what girl wouldn’t want to spend a day at Jackie? 

Any chance of another one anytime soon?

Ruby is our first but certainly not our last. 💕 She is the reason Jordan and I get so excited to find out what other little blessings God has in store for us. 

What is something you admire in your own Mom that you maybe did not see prior to being a Mom yourself?

I’ve said so many times since having Ruby- moms are superhero’s. I’ve also said so many times, my mom is a superhero. My mom raised me as a single mom, during some of the hardest developmental ages until I was five years old, while working more than one job. Need I say more? And all the moms said no!! I think that translated into her level of commitment as well, which is another thing I admire. Specifically, her commitment to her ‘non-negotiables’, as she would call them. No matter how crazy things got she always made time for working out, getting her nails done, and getting her hair done. I remember tagging along many times. I grew up learning that just because you have a baby and life gets busy, doesn’t mean you have to let the things you want do and enjoy doing go to the waste side (and oh yeah you don’t have to feel guilty when they don’t go to the waste side, either!). 

I really admire her sacrifice in all the moments that required it of her - even in the very act of having me - and just truly seeing past herself because she knew on the other side would be such reward in it. I’d like to think that I’m making her proud now as a 25 year old, college graduate, married, homeowner and now mom. I know she should absolutely be proud that that because of her intentionality when I was young I can look back on my childhood and say that I felt loved and had so much fun. Setting a good foundation for kids is not easy but so important. I love you mom! Thank you. 

Any advice to new Moms out there who are nervous about stepping into this role?

Although the challenge you’re feeling is totally valid, as challenge is so relative, God has equipped you, and continues to equip you each day, with everything your baby needs you to be. So, protect your peace, because your baby can pick up on your stress, and rest assured in that. Your baby needs bare necessities and a whole lot of love. It’s so simple so don’t overcomplicate it. You’ve got this. Enjoy it!! You GET to be a mom. Think about that. 

How will you celebrate your first Mothers Day?

In the sunshine with the people that I love! ☀️ Actually, Ruby gets dedicated at church and I think it’s really special that it is taking place on Mother’s Day. 

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Jackie moms ❤️


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