The Impact of Fathers

Amber Duncan and Her Father

As Father’s Day quickly approaches, I find myself reflecting on the impact my dad had on my life. I was the oldest of four children and I vividly remember watching my dad run his businesses. I always wanted to go with him to work. I observed how he put in the hours necessary to make it a success and I admired those traits. While I watched some from the sidelines ridicule him for being a "workaholic,” my dad’s work ethic made a huge impact on who I am today. He taught me what hard work looks like and I now have the opportunity to share that gift with my children.

My dad was always giving to those in need and helping people even when they weren't deserving of it. I admire that trait and hope that the impact I make on this world is one that my children will also carry forward with this same theme. While moms play an important role in a girl’s life, don't ever discount the role that a dad plays in raising daughters. Dads set the stage for their daughters and she will, in turn, gravitate toward someone as her mate that exemplifies similar traits. I am thankful for all of the lessons learned throughout my life and for the love and support my dad has always shown me. He is my biggest fan and that's what a girl needs to be a powerful force in this world. She needs to know that she can and she will.

On this Father’s Day, reflect back on the role your dad had on your life and simply acknowledge and thank him for it. It is such a simple thing, but reminding him of the impact he has had on who you are today may be exactly what he needs to hear.

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